Saturday, 12 April 2014

Day thirty four #40acts

Joy came over me when I read today's act. Planning an event for next Saturday. Well, here I am giving myself a whopping big pat on the back. Although, is it cheating if the community event was already planned ahead of knowing what today's act was? It's not cheating I hear you say, well that's a relief!! 

Our church Missional Communities have been encouraged to do something outreach based on Easter Eve. A lovely couple came up with the idea of running an Easter Egg hunt for the local families and the families that come through our doors for toddler group and our Friday kids group. So, next Saturday we are having a Family Easter Egg hunt round our local park, followed by a bit of craft and a visit to the Easter bunny for a treat! I'm very excited! 

Friday, 11 April 2014

Day thirty three #40acts

Any petition that's going to make a child's life better is a petition worth signing to me! Today I signed a petition to stop the trafficking of Christian children in Bangladesh. 

Since 2005, a special group of human traffickers have been operating in Eastern Bangladesh. They approach desperately poor Christian families in remote areas and pretend to represent a humanitarian organisation, and offer to make their hopes come true by providing a good and inexpensive Christian education for their children.These malicious traffickers then take the children far away and sell them. The children’s names are changed, they are issued new identity papers as Muslims, and then forced to study Islam all day, every day. Children rescued from these institutions report being starved, locked up in closets, and being beaten with live wires and canes if they refuse to learn the Quran. Worse still, some of the boys have been forced into child labor and some of the girls forced, starting at around age 12, into prostitution.
Today this trafficking ring is still operating in Bangladesh. The petition is calling the government of Bangladesh to account and demand they take action to shut down this vile group before any more children get harmed.  

Monday, 7 April 2014

Day twenty nine #40acts

I have a lot of favourite Bible verses, many of them committed to memory. I try to remember the ones that help me out the most when I'm sad, angry, feeling worthless or unloved. The verse I've chosen to share today is from the end of Psalm 23. This little sentence talks about a father's love. A love that will come running after me no matter what I do or how far I've wandered.