Today I had the privilege of teaching three different groups of children all about Advent. We looked at advent being a time of waiting, not super boring 'stuck in a queue at Tescos' type waiting, but a time of EXCITING waiting. A time of anticipation, of hope, of preparing our hearts and minds for Jesus.
On my desk I have my 'to do before Christmas' list, it's really long!! It would be so easy during advent for me to completely lose sight of what Christmas is actually about. I'll get caught up in decorations, planning kids stuff, present buying, outfit choosing and everything else that goes along with getting ready for Christmas. However, my desire and my prayer is to make sure I'm ready for Christmas, but above that, much more importantly, the biggest priority is to make sure I'm ready for Jesus.
So why not join me over these next few weeks, find time to slow down, to wait, to enjoy the anticipation, to sit with God and to reflect on the marvellous gift that is Jesus' birth.