Today's act encourages us to be thankful. I read over the challenge and my immediate reaction was to write my note of thanks to someone I know, someone who would appreciate it, someone who wouldn't judge me, someone it would be easy to write to. I mulled over who that 'someone' would be whilst I drove to my morning meeting. I don't know whether it was God's prompting but my heart just wasn't content with writing to someone I knew.
After my meeting I needed to swing by Tescos and pick up some bits for dinner. I grabbed a card and inside wrote a couple of simple sentences expressing thanks and gratitude. As I walked into Tescos I prayed that God would show me who to give the card to. I was literally shaking as a wandered round picking up the things I needed. Why was I so scared about handing someone a card? I felt so pathetic getting worked up over this!
I had a basket of shopping and walked up and down the checkouts waiting for God to highlight a cashier to me. I had the colour red in my head and as I looked up and down the cashiers there was only one lady wearing a red Tescos blouse so that's the queue I chose to join. My cashiers name was Bhundi, she seemed like a nice lady and we exchanged small plesentaries as she bleeped through my shopping and I paid. When she handed me my change I took it and gave her the card, saying that it was for her, and then I walked away. My heart was literally pounding out of my body and I practically ran to the safety of my car.
The first sentence of today's challenge says "There's something rather wonderful about genuine gratitude: it impacts both the person who says thank you and the person who hears it." I have no idea about Bhundi's life. I have no idea how my gratitude card was received. Whether my card made her smile or whether she thinks I'm a complete weirdo, I'm so glad I gave her that card and I have definitely been impacted by today's challenge.