Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Day seven #40acts

I knew there would be at least one #40acts challenge that I would absolutely dread or just not want to do and today was the day! I have a fear of speaking on the phone. It's not a rational's not even a proper fear, I just don't like doing it. I'm that person, when I HAVE to ring someone, who's whispering 'please go to voicemail, please go to voicemail' as the phone is ringing. I don't know why I have this dislike of phones, I just do. 

I much prefer a face to face conversation. I know this isn't always possible but it's my preferred choice of communication. I like to be able to see a persons expression, to be able to see what their words might not be saying whether that's joy or sadness. I like the tangibility of being able to reach out and hug them. I like being able to show I'm listening with my face rather than having to keep 'hum humming' on the end of a phone to show I haven't fallen asleep! 

Dispite my dislike I still did today's challenge. When a friend is far away it is good to be able to hear their voice rather than connecting via text messages and facebook. I haven't got over my phone phobia but it's made me consider having more phone conversations with the loved ones in my life who I don't get to physically see as much I'd like.